
Button Activator First Wiimote [Bully@Wiiplaza]

One Shot Button Activator First Wiimote [Bully@Wiiplaza]

Button Activator Second Wiimote [Bully@Wiiplaza]

One Shot Button Activator Second Wiimote [Bully@Wiiplaza]

Hardcore Super Mario [Bully@Wiiplaza]
04060668 38000000
*Die once -> "Game Over"*

Can´t Collect Coins [Bully@Wiiplaza]
04060438 38030000
*Credits to Mathew_Wi*

0 Continues Used [Bully@Wiiplaza]
047789F0 38A00000

Continue Lifes Gain Amount Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
047786DC 3B8000XX
0492F8C8 60000000
*XX = HEX*

1 Ups Don´t Count [Bully@Wiiplaza]
04060568 60000000
*Credits to Mathew_Wi*

Mario Powerup = Invincibility [Bully@Wiiplaza]
04146118 38000000
*Credits to Mathew_Wi*
*Any Mario suit that is not the "normal" one gives you total immunity*

Lose All Powerups Instantly [Bully@Wiiplaza]
04145AD0 3BE00000
*Credits to Mathew_Wi*
*If you get hit, you´ll be demoted to "normal" suit*

God´s Controller [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C21EAD3C 00000004
3D80803A 618C1AC8
7C0CD000 4082000C
91230000 91230578
60000000 00000000
C21EAE34 00000004
3D80803A 618C1AC8
7C0CD000 4082000C
D0040000 D0040578
60000000 00000000
*Shaking & Button presses supported*
*Works well with "Team Super Mario Bros."*
*Control P1 & P2 with P1´s Wii Remote*

Team Super Mario Bros. [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C0000000 00000006
3D808154 618CB8B0
C14C0000 C16C0004
3D408000 3D604170
916A1580 C18A1580
ED4A602A D14CD2E8
D16CD2EC 4E800020
*On 2 Player mode, both players will always stick together*
*Best used with "God´s Controller"*

All Worlds Unlocked [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C20CE354 00000002
38000001 98030032
60000000 00000000
*Works on ANY profile*
*Credits to Thomas83Lin*

All Hint Movies Unlocked [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C20CE164 00000002
39800001 998306FC
886306FC 00000000
*Works on ANY profile*
*Credits to Thomas83Lin*

Suit Roller [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2140F58 00000005
808314E0 3D80803A
A18C1ACE 718C1000
41820014 3484FFFF
41810008 38800006
908314E0 00000000
*Credits to Mathew_Wi*
*Press minus to roll through suits*
*Thanks to dcx2 for coding help*

Level Roller [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2902A2C 00000006
809F022C 3D80803A
A18C1ACE 718C0400
41820018 38840001
2C04000D 40810008
38800000 909F022C
60000000 00000000
*Press B to roll through ALL levels on the map*
*You can now play the current level on the top left icon*
*ANY Level is playable, even mushroom houses that are not there anymore or levels that are not unlocked/discovered*

Inf. Items on Map [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C27B0A74 00000002
38800063 909D08B4
60000000 00000000

Have Powerups [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C205FBFC 00000004
3EC0803A 82D61AC8
72D60A00 4182000C
3A60000X 92640000
7C04282E 00000000
*hold 1 + A when entering a level*
*X Values*
1 = star invincibility
2 = have Yoshi
3 = have Yoshi + star invincibility
*Credits to Thomas83lin*

Moon Jump [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2054B48 00000005
3D808039 618CF400
A18C0000 718C0400
4182000C 3D604040
917D00EC C03D00EC
60000000 00000000
*Hold B Button, while in the air; working with Yoshi aswell*
*Credits to mdmwii*

Inf. Score Points [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C205F62C 00000002
3C807FFF 6084FFFF
908DA640 00000000

Inf. Lives [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C205F5F4 00000002
39000063 911F0080
60000000 00000000

Free Fly [Bully@Wiiplaza]
2839F460 F7F70808
82200001 8154B8B0
86900001 C0A00000
84200001 8154B8B0
E0000000 00000000
2839F460 F7FB0804
82200001 8154B8B0
86900001 40A00000
84200001 8154B8B0
E0000000 00000000
2839F460 F7FE0801
82200003 8154B8B4
86900003 C0A00000
84200003 8154B8B4
E0000000 00000000
2839F460 F7FD0802
82200004 8154B8B4
86900004 40A00000
84200004 8154B8B4
E0000000 00000000
2839F460 F7FF0800
0406CD14 60000000
0406CD20 60000000
E2100000 00000000
0406CD14 D00300AC
0406CD20 D00300B0
E0000000 80008000
*Hold A and press the D-PAD directions to hover through any level; freeflying does not work with Yoshi, yet*

Level Teleporter [Bully@Wiiplaza]
2839F700 EFFE1001
82200000 8154B8B0
82200001 8154B8B4
E0000000 80008000
2839F700 EFFD1002
84200000 8154B8B0
84200001 8154B8B4
E0000000 80008000
*Press Minus and D-PAD LEFT to save your current spot*
*Press Minus and D-PAD RIGHT to teleport*

Shoot Inf. Ice/Fireballs [Bully@Wiiplaza]
041233A4 60000000
041233AC 60000000
0411A5C8 60000000
0411A5D0 60000000
*Credits to Sharkbyte*

Player 2-4 Character Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2902D34 00000006
2C170001 40820008
3880000X 2C170002
40820008 3880000X
2C170003 40820008
3880000X 909A0000
60000000 00000000
*Credits to Jose_Gallardo*
*X Values*
0 = Mario
1 = Luigi
2 = Blue Toad
3 = Yellow Toad

Enable Classic Controller [Thomas83Lin]
C21EB5B8 00000020
38210050 7C0802A6
80BA0060 48000041
809A0000 7CA52378
90BA0000 80BA0064
4800002D 809A0004
7CA52378 90BA0004
80BA0068 48000019
809A0008 7CA52378
90BA0008 7C0803A6
4E800020 70A40200
2C040000 4182000C
3CC07FC0 90DA0010
38C00000 70A40800
2C040000 41820008
60C68000 70A40020
2C040000 41820008
60C60200 70A40040
2C040000 41820008
60C60100 70A40001
2C040000 41820008
60C60002 70A40002
2C040000 41820008
60C60008 70A48000
2C040000 41820008
60C60004 70A44000
2C040000 41820008
60C60001 70A40400
2C040000 41820008
60C60010 70A41000
2C040000 41820008
60C61000 7CC53378
60000000 00000000
041EAE30 39800000
041EAE34 91840000
04019EE0 38000000
040B3B30 38000000
2076DBA8 8804A2DC
0476DBA8 38000000
2076DBE9 8804A2DC
0476DBE8 38000000
E0000000 80008000
*Ported from Crediar Modded by Thomas83Lin*
*No Tilt Support*
*Works for Version's 2 and 3 not tested on version 1*
*Tested with VBI Hook*
*Not tested with Classic Controller Pro*

Full Invincibility All Players [Thomas83Lin]
04146078 38001078

Invincibility [Thomas83Lin]
04146080 4800004C

Hatless Mario [Thomas83Lin]
04060EF8 38000063

Transformation V.6 [Thomas83Lin]
C2140F58 00000013
899F0007 2C0C0000
41820020 2C0C0001
4182002C 2C0C0002
41820038 2C0C0003
41820044 4082006C
3D80803A A18C1ACE
2C0C1000 41820040
40820058 3D80803A
A18C2046 2C0C1000
4182002C 40820044
3D80803A A18C25BE
2C0C1000 41820018
40820030 3D80803A
A18C2B36 2C0C1000
40820020 39800000
7D8C0214 398C0001
2C0C0006 40810008
39800000 919F14E0
808314E0 00000000
*1-4 Players*
*Press Minus to Change Suit*

1-4 Player Pointer Enabler [Thomas83Lin]
C2134204 0000000C
899F0007 2C0C0000
41820020 2C0C0001
41820024 2C0C0002
41820028 2C0C0003
4182002C 40820030
3D80817F 93EC0000
48000024 3D80817F
93EC0004 48000018
3D80817F 93EC0008
4800000C 3D80817F
93EC000C C03F00EC
60000000 00000000

Moon Jump 1-4 players Press (B) [Thomas83Lin]
283A1ACA FBFF0400
48000000 817F0000
DE000000 80008180
140000EC 40000000
E0000000 80008000
283A2042 FBFF0400
48000000 817F0004
DE000000 80008180
140000EC 40000000
E0000000 80008000
283A25BA FBFF0400
48000000 817F0008
DE000000 80008180
140000EC 40000000
E0000000 80008000
283A2B32 FBFF0400
48000000 817F000C
DE000000 80008180
140000EC 40000000
E0000000 80008000
*Requires 1-4 Player Pointer Enabler*
*Does not work while on yoshi*
*WiiMote Horizontal*

Turn Star Power on/off Press (B+Dpad UP) 1-4 Players [Thomas83Lin]
283A1ACA FBFD0402
CC000000 00000001
48000000 817F0000
DE000000 80008180
14001070 00000030
E0000000 80008000
283A2042 FBFD0402
CC000000 00000001
48000000 817F0004
DE000000 80008180
14001070 00000030
E0000000 80008000
283A25BA FBFD0402
CC000000 00000001
48000000 817F0008
DE000000 80008180
14001070 00000030
E0000000 80008000
283A2B32 FBFD0402
CC000000 00000001
48000000 817F000C
DE000000 80008180
14001070 00000030
E0000000 80008000
*Requires 1-4 Player Pointer Enabler*
*WiiMote Horizontal*

Get Yoshiv.2 [Thomas83Lin]
C205FBFC 00000004
3EC0803A 82D61AC8
2C160400 4082000C
3A600002 92640000
7C04282E 00000000
*Single Player Only*
Hold B While entering Level or Tube*

All Gold Stars [Thomas83Lin]
C2159BDC 00000002
38000000 901A0000
60000000 00000000
*After Finishing A Level*

All Worlds Unlocked [Thomas83Lin]
04C7FE90 00000101
04C7FE94 01010101
04C7FE98 01010100
*Only Save Slot 1*

All Hint Movies Bought [Thomas83Lin]
08C8055C 01010101
20100004 00000000
*Only Save Slot1*

Change Quick Save to Regular Save Option [Thomas83Lin]
2092FD00 88030002
0492FD00 38000002
2092FD11 88030002
0492FD10 38000002
E0000000 80008000
*Updated to also Work with Version 1.02*

Exit on Unfinished Level [Thomas83Lin]
040D0C50 48000018
040D0D98 48000018

Change Green Yoshi's Color [Thomas83Lin]
077F92DC 00000008
XXXXXxxx 00003BE0
Blue 3FB79FB0 Red 3FB781C0 Yellow 3FB790B8

On-Demand POW [Hamster35000vr]
28C69CFA F7FF0800
80000002 00000001
28C69CFB FBFF0400
80000002 00000000
E0000000 00000000
84200002 815E4334
Press A to turn all coins into blocks and press B to change it back. When you press A, some bricks will still act as coins but the majority will be solid blocks.

POW Lasts Forever [Hamster35000vr]
040D8848 60000000
When you hit a POW, it will stay for the rest of the level!

No Wheel Clipping [Hamster35000vr]
040DA73C 60000000
You will not be supported by spinning wheels like the ones found in Level 1-1.

Helicopter Height Modifier [Hamster35000vr]
Modifies how high you go with a helicopter. XXXXXXXX is a float. Default is around BEA00000. The smaller it is, the higher you will go. I like BC800000.

Free Fly v.2 [Hamster35000vr]
28C69CFA F7FF0800
02000040 00000001
04056FA0 60000000
04057148 60000000
04057150 60000000
0405414C 60000000
041275DC 60000000
E0000000 00000000
28C69CFA FBFF0400
02000040 00000000
04056FA0 D0DE00E8
04057148 D01E00EC
04057150 D3BE00EC
0405414C D01F00EC
041275DC D03F00EC
E0000000 00000000
28000040 00000001
0554B8EC 00000000
0554B8F0 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28C69CFA FFFD0002
0554B8F0 40800000
E0000000 00000000
28C69CFA FFFE0001
0554B8F0 C0800000
E0000000 00000000
28C69CFA FFFB0004
0554B8EC 40800000
E0000000 00000000
28C69CFA FFF70008
0554B8EC C0800000
E0000000 00000000
Press A to activate, B to deactivate. When activated, press any D-pad button to move.

Free Fly! [Hamster35000vr]
0554B8A0 00000000
28C69CFA F7FF0800
0554B8A0 40200000
28C69CFB FBFF0400
0554B8A0 C0200000
E0000000 00000000
28C69CFA 00000010
C206CD20 00000005
3D008154 39087FFF
390838A1 C0C80000
C00300B0 EC06002A
D00300B0 39000000
60000000 00000000
E0000000 00000000
28C69CFA 00001000
0406CD20 D00300B0
E0000000 00000000
press + to activate, - to deactivate, A to go up, and B to go down. --> always deactivate when you go to the overworld or you could freeze. <--

Level Swaps [Hamster35000vr]
017FPPPP 0000003W
017FQQQQ 0000003L
017FRRRR 0000003X
017FSSSS 0000003M
Swap one level with another!
P = level equation (see below) for level (X-M)
Q = P + 3
R = level equation (see below) for level (W-L)
S = R + 3
For World 1: A * level + EEAE
For World 2: A * level + EF76
For World 3: A * level + F016
For World 4: A * level + F0C0
For World 5: A * level + F174
For World 6: A * level + F21E
For World 7: A * level + F2BE
For World 8: A * level + F35E
For World 9: A * level + F3FE

Super-Speed Mario [Hamster35000vr]
C2056FA0 00000004
3E208100 3E40XXXX
92510000 3A400000
C3B10000 ECC60772
D0DE00E8 00000000
Mario will go XXXX times as fast as normal. 1 (3F80) is default. I like 1.5 (3FC0). 3 (4040) is very crazy.

Mario runs Fast/instant Sprint [Sharkbyte]
283A1ACA FFF70008
0554B910 C0A00000
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FFFB0004
0554B910 40A00000
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FFFE0001
0554B910 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Press down to stop instantly

Mario can throw more fireballs on screen [Sharkbyte]
00375543 00000000
00375553 00000000

Mario can throw more iceballs on screen [Sharkbyte]
00375AAB 00000000
00375ABB 00000000

Time modifier [Sharkbyte]
02429CF8 00010X00
1= coin timer lasts forever, can hit multibricks forever, coins frozen
2= mario frozen, coin blocks frozen
3= mario frozen, enemies move
4= mario can move, coins frozen
5= coins and spinning land objects frozen
6= mario frozen, everything else moves
7= mario frozen, platforms frozen
8= enemies, coins and coin blocks frozen
9= platforms and enemies frozen
A= platforms move, everything else frozen
B= everything frozen (can still pause)
C= platforms and mario can move
D= only mario can move
E= mario and enemies frozen
F= everything completely frozen
0= everything always moves

Moon Jump 2 objects (B) [Sharkbyte]
283A1ACA FBFF0400
48000000 81551418
DE000000 80008180
140000C8 40000000
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FBFF0400
48000000 8154B83C
DE000000 80008180
140000B8 40000000
E0000000 80008000

Move objects fast [Sharkbyte]
283A1ACA FBF70408
48000000 81551418
DE000000 80008180
140000C4 C1500000
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FBFB0404
48000000 81551418
DE000000 80008180
140000C4 41500000
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FBF70408
48000000 8154B83C
DE000000 80008180
140000B4 C1500000
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FBFB0404
48000000 8154B83C
DE000000 80008180
140000B4 41500000
E0000000 80008000
press B and left or to move objects
objects include fireballs, enemies, and sometimes power ups

Boss moon jump (B) [Sharkbyte]
283A1ACA FBFF0400
82200000 80429E64
86000000 FFFFFFA4
4A001000 00000000
DE000000 80008180
66000001 00000000
DE000001 90009380
14000000 40000000
E0000000 80008000

Move bosses fast [Sharkbyte]
283A1ACA FBF70408
82200000 80429E64
86000000 FFFFFFA0
4A001000 00000000
DE000000 80008180
66000001 00000000
DE000001 90009380
14000000 C1000000
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FBFB0404
82200000 80429E64
86000000 FFFFFFA0
4A001000 00000000
DE000000 80008180
66000001 00000000
DE000001 90009380
14000000 41000000
E0000000 80008000
press B + left or right
Bowser is not included

First running jump is always 3rd jump [Sharkbyte]
0554CD68 00000002
this also helps on ice
if you jump moving, then let go of dpad mario won't slide

Rapid fire ice/fire balls P1 [Sharkbyte]
283A1ACA FDFF0200
82100000 803A1C04
86400000 00000200
84100000 803A1C04
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FDFF0200
82100001 803A1C3C
86400001 00000200
84100001 803A1C3C
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FDFF0200
82100002 803A1C74
86400002 00000200
84100002 803A1C74
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FDFF0200
82100003 803A1CAC
86400003 00000200
84100003 803A1CAC
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FDFF0200
82100004 803A1CE4
86400004 00000200
84100004 803A1CE4
E0000000 80008000
283A1ACA FDFF0200
82100005 803A1D1C
86400005 00000200
84100005 803A1D1C
E0000000 80008000
*shortened code
press and hold 1 for rapid fire
must have ice or fire suit
must use with hetoan2's infinite ice/fire bullets
*small bug- can't pick up items with code on

Rapid fire Ice/Fireballs P2 [Sharkbyte]
283A2042 FDFF0200
82100006 803A217C
86400006 00000200
84100006 803A217C
E0000000 80008000
283A2042 FDFF0200
82100007 803A21B4
86400007 00000200
84100007 803A21B4
E0000000 80008000
283A2042 FDFF0200
82100008 803A21EC
86400008 00000200
84100008 803A21EC
E0000000 80008000
283A2042 FDFF0200
82100009 803A2224
86400009 00000200
84100009 803A2224
E0000000 80008000
283A2042 FDFF0200
8210000A 803A225C
8640000A 00000200
8410000A 803A225C
E0000000 80008000
283A2042 FDFF0200
8210000B 803A2294
8640000B 00000200
8410000B 803A2294
E0000000 80008000
*shortened code
press and hold 1 for rapid fire
must have ice or fire suit
must use with hetoan2's infinite ice/fire bullets
*small bug- can't pick up items with code on

Max Powerups Profile 2 [Sharkbyte]
04C807E8 00636363
04C807EC 63636363
055DB294 00000063
055DB298 00000063
055DB29C 00000063
055DB2A0 00000063
055DB2A4 00000063
055DB2A8 00000063
055DB2AC 00000063
055DBB74 00000063
055DBB78 00000063
055DBB7C 00000063
055DBB80 00000063
055DBB84 00000063
055DBB88 00000063
055DBB8C 00000063
powerups will also be saved to profile once you save so you don't have to load the code each time

Max Powerups Profile 3 [Sharkbyte]
04C81168 00636363
04C8116C 63636363
055DB294 00000063
055DB298 00000063
055DB29C 00000063
055DB2A0 00000063
055DB2A4 00000063
055DB2A8 00000063
055DB2AC 00000063
055DBB74 00000063
055DBB78 00000063
055DBB7C 00000063
055DBB80 00000063
055DBB84 00000063
055DBB88 00000063
055DBB8C 00000063
powerups will also be saved to profile once you save so you don't have to load the code each time

Mario and Luigi don't jump off each other [Sharkbyte]
48000000 815E4278
DE000000 80008180
140003A4 0000000A
E0000000 80008000
48000000 815E4274
DE000000 80008180
140003A4 0000000A
E0000000 80008000
only tested in 2 player profile 2 and 3

Weird Lives Code (infinite) [Sh0tGuN2197]
04060668 3802FFFF
Before you go into a level it says you have " " lives. In game you always have 5.

P1 Character Mod [Chaosdragon13]
04354E60 0000000X
Ported from Jose_Gallardo

P2 Character Mod [Chaosdragon13]
04354E64 0000000X
Ported from Jose_Gallardo

P3 Character Mod [Chaosdragon13]
04354E68 0000000X
Ported from Jose_Gallardo

P4 Character Mod [Chaosdragon13]
04354E6C 0000000X
0 = Mario, 1 = Luigi, 2 = Blue Toad, 3 = Yellow Toad
Ported from Jose_Gallardo

99 Lives On Death (all players) [hetoan2]
04060668 38000063

Always Have Item [hetoan2]
0554CCE4 0000000X
Values below

Stage Select Item [hetoan2]
04354E70 0000000X
Values below

Power Up Costume Changer (A button) [hetoan2]
28C69D06 F7FF0800
0554C894 0000000X
E0000000 80008000
Values below

All Upgrades give... [hetoan2]
C2145B20 00000002
3BE0000X 93FE14E0
60000000 00000000
0 = regular mario
1 = super mario
2 = fire flower mario
3 = mini mario
4 = propeller-suit mario
5 = penguin-suit mario
6 = ice flower mario

Have Star Power To start all levels [hetoan2]
04354E80 00000001

Mario Size Modifier [hetoan2]
Use floating point values converted to hex

Level 1-1 Modifier [hetoan2]
077FA1C4 00000008
XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYY,4594.msg40536.html#msg40536

OffStage Power Cycler (left and right on dpad) [hetoan2]
8201000F 00354E73
28C69D06 FFF70008
A8000000 F0000000
8600000F 00000001
E0000000 80008000
28C69D06 FFFB0004
A8000000 F0000000
E0000000 80008000
8401000F 00354E73
2C354E73 00000006
00354E73 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Have Star Power To start all levels [hetoan2]
04354E80 00000001

Always Have Yoshi [hetoan2]
04354E80 00000002

Infinite Ice/Fire Bullets [hetoan2]
02375AA8 000F0000
02375540 000F0000

Retro Intro and Unaccessable Levels [hetoan2]
077FA290 00000008
3BF825D0 000028A4
077FA1C4 00000008
3FC2FB80 00000292
077FA1D0 00000008
3F35F889 000004FC

Better Superguides (W7-L1) [hetoan2]
077F99A8 00000008
3BB9B6DA 0000BB00

Time Pauser (B button) [hetoan2]
26C69D06 FBFF0400
040E39CC 901F0004
E0000000 80008000
28C69D06 FBFF0400
040E39CC 60000000
E0000000 80008000

Skilled Demo Movie on 3-5 [hetoan2]
077F9B88 00000008
3BB42B0E 00012640
077F9B94 00000008
3BB4749E 00012640
077F9BA0 00000008
3BB4BE2E 00012640
077F9BAC 00000008
3BB507BE 00012640

Gravity Modifier (Hold B While Falling) [Mathew_Wi]
283A1D8C FBFF0400
E0000000 80008000
Replace X with 00000000 to FFFFFFFF

Hold UP While Entering A Level To Play On Intro Screen [Mathew_Wi]
283A1D8C 00000002
04315B9C 00270027
E0000000 80008000
Sideways Style (On Wiimote+Nunchuck Hold Right)

Alt Moon Jump (Hold B while jumping) [Mathew_Wi]
04057148 D01E00EC
283A1D8C FBFF0400
04057148 D01E0150
E0000000 80008000

Every Coin is A 1UP [Mathew_Wi]
04354EA2 00C80000

Infinite Lives [Mathew_Wi]
04354E90 00000063
0406066C 60000000

Instant Form Change [Mathew_Wi]
283A1D8C FBFD0402
0554CCE4 00000004
E0000000 80008000
283A1D8D FBFE0401
0554CCE4 00000006
E0000000 80008000
283A1D8D FBF70408
0554CCE4 00000002
E0000000 80008000
283A1D8D FBFB0404
0554CCE4 00000005
0454CC30 8037662C
E0000000 80008000
This applies to the sideways style
B and Up for Propeller, B and Right for Penguin, B and Down for Ice, and B and Left for Fire
Only works on P1!

Level Modifier (Stage Selection Screen) [Mathew_Wi]
0556D924 0000000X
04905274 60000000
Replace X with the level number in hex
Best used with a button activator

Multiple Jumps [Mathew_Wi]
0554C8D8 00000001
05549BC0 00000001
Keep pressing 2 and you'll go higher and higher
Works on P1 and P2

Inf. powerups [schooluser]
015DBB77 00000063
015DBB7B 00000063
015DBB7F 00000063
015DBB83 00000063
015DBB87 00000063
015DBB8B 00000063
015DBB8F 00000063
*only tested with save slot 1*
*sets each item to 99 but display*
*of inventory messes up if you use*
*too many, still works though*

always have item all 4 ppl all codes needed on multiplayer [12201]
0554CCE4 0000000x
01549FCF 0000000x
015472B7 0000000x
0154459F 0000000x
first line belongs to hetoan 3 parts of this code are mine the first line is hetoans

Resize (1P) [ZiT]
0554B8E0 40A00000
0554B8E4 40A00000
0554B8E8 40A00000

Nitoro Dash (Direction key and 1 Button) [ZiT]
283A184B FDFB0204
0554B910 47000000
E0000000 80008000
283A184B FDF70208
0554B910 C7000000
E0000000 80008000
283A184B 00000000
0554B910 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Rapid Fire (Fire and Ice Bullets) [ZiT]
083752C0 00000000
20070004 00000000
08375828 00000000
20070004 00000000

The other side Mario [ZiT]
0154C839 00000002

Ghost Mario [ZiT]
0154C83A 000000FF

Moon Jump [ZiT]
283A184B FEFF0100
0554B8F0 40800000
E0000000 80008000

Invincible [ZiT]
0554C874 00000294

Transformations (- Button) [ZiT]
283A184B 00001000
C2140D68 00000005
818314E0 2C0C0006
41820010 398C0001
918314E0 4800000C
39800000 918314E0
808314E0 00000000
E0000000 80008000
2A3A184B 00001000
04140D68 808314E0
E0000000 80008000

Walk Through Walls (Direction key and 1 Button) [ZiT]
283A184B FDFB0204
82100000 8154B8B1
86000000 000000F0
84100000 8154B8B1
E0000000 80008000
283A184B FDF70208
82100000 8154B8B1
86000000 FFFFFF10
84100000 8154B8B1
E0000000 80008000

Inf. Lives (P1-4) [-Ozelot-]
04060668 38000063

Have all Inf. Items (P1-4) [-Ozelot-]
C27AF7AC 00000002
38000063 901E08B4
60000000 00000000
047B02E0 60000000

Have Always POW ON/OFF Switch (P1) [-Ozelot-]
C205F754 00000002
38000000 90030030
60000000 00000000
CC000000 00000000
C205F754 00000002
3800000C 90030030
60000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Coin <> Stone (P1) [-Ozelot-]
C20D8748 00000002
3880270F 90830008
60000000 00000000
040D8938 60000000
055E4334 00000001
CC000000 00000000
055E4334 00000000
E0000000 80008000

All Red Coins V2 [-Ozelot-]
04A93F18 38060009

Full Invincibility All Players [Thomas83Lin]
041461B8 38001078

Invincibility [Thomas83Lin]
041461C0 4800004C

Hatless Mario [Thomas83Lin]
04060EF8 38000063

Transformation V.6 [Thomas83Lin]
C2141098 00000013
899F0007 2C0C0000
41820020 2C0C0001
4182002C 2C0C0002
41820038 2C0C0003
41820044 4082006C
3D80803A A18C1DCE
2C0C1000 41820040
40820058 3D80803A
A18C2346 2C0C1000
4182002C 40820044
3D80803A A18C28BE
2C0C1000 41820018
40820030 3D80803A
A18C2E36 2C0C1000
40820020 39800000
7D8C0214 398C0001
2C0C0006 40810008
39800000 919F14E0
808314E0 00000000
*1-4 Players*
*Press Minus to Change Suit*

1-4 Player Pointer Enabler [Thomas83Lin]
C2134344 0000000C
899F0007 2C0C0000
41820020 2C0C0001
41820024 2C0C0002
41820028 2C0C0003
4182002C 40820030
3D80817F 93EC0000
48000024 3D80817F
93EC0004 48000018
3D80817F 93EC0008
4800000C 3D80817F
93EC000C C03F00EC
60000000 00000000

Moon Jump 1-4 players Press (B) [Thomas83Lin]
283A1DCA FBFF0400
48000000 817F0000
DE000000 80008180
140000EC 40000000
E0000000 80008000
283A2342 FBFF0400
48000000 817F0004
DE000000 80008180
140000EC 40000000
E0000000 80008000
283A28BA FBFF0400
48000000 817F0008
DE000000 80008180
140000EC 40000000
E0000000 80008000
283A2E34 FBFF0400
48000000 817F000C
DE000000 80008180
140000EC 40000000
E0000000 80008000
*Requires 1-4 Player Pointer Enabler*
*Does not work while on yoshi*
*WiiMote Horizontal*

Turn Star Power on/off Press (B+Dpad UP) 1-4 Players [Thomas83Lin]
283A1DCA FBFD0402
CC000000 00000001
48000000 817F0000
DE000000 80008180
14001070 00000030
E0000000 80008000
283A2342 FBFD0402
CC000000 00000001
48000000 817F0004
DE000000 80008180
14001070 00000030
E0000000 80008000
283A28BA FBFD0402
CC000000 00000001
48000000 817F0008
DE000000 80008180
14001070 00000030
E0000000 80008000
283A2E34 FBFD0402
CC000000 00000001
48000000 817F000C
DE000000 80008180
14001070 00000030
E0000000 80008000
*Requires 1-4 Player Pointer Enabler*
*WiiMote Horizontal*

Get Yoshiv.2 [Thomas83Lin]
C205FBFC 00000004
3EC0803A 82D61DC8
2C160400 4082000C
3A600002 92640000
808DA620 00000000
*Single Player Only*
*Hold B While entering tube or Level*

Change Quick Save to Regular Save Option [Thomas83Lin]
0492FD00 38000002

Exit on Unfinished Level [Thomas83Lin]
040D0D40 48000018
040D0E88 48000018

All Gold Stars [Thomas83Lin]
C2159D1C 00000002
38000000 901A0000
60000000 00000000
*After Finishing A Level*

All Worlds Unlocked [Thomas83Lin]
04C7FE90 00000101
04C7FE94 01010101
04C7FE98 01010100
*Only Save Slot 1*

All Hint Movies Bought [Thomas83Lin]
08C8055C 01010101
20100004 00000000
*Only Save Slot1*

Change Green Yoshi's Color [Thomas83Lin]
077F9364 00000008
Blue 3FB78971 Red 3FB76B81 Yellow 3FB77A79

Mario size modifier [mdmwii]
XXXXXXXX = Floating point value (

Timer frozen [mdmwii]
040E3AB8 3C0001F4

Mario moonjump *push 1 on wiimote to lift up* [mdmwii]
2839F700 FDFF0200
0554B8F0 40000000

Paper Mario effect *flat Mario* [mdmwii]
0554B8E0 80000000

Points [Vuze]
* XXXXXXXX = Amount of Points

Always Have 99 Lives (Mario) - No Hat [Jose_Gallardo]
04355190 00000063

Always Have 98 Lives (Mario) - Keeps Hat [Jose_Gallardo]
04355190 00000062
*Do not use with the "No Hat" version and vice-versa

Always Have 98 Lives (Luigi) [Jose_Gallardo]
04355194 00000062

Always Have 98 Lives (Blue Toad) [Jose_Gallardo]
04355198 00000062

Always Have 98 Lives (Yellow Toad) [Jose_Gallardo]
0435519C 00000062

Unlimited Ice Flower Bullets (P1-P4) [Jose_Gallardo]
04375DB8 00000000
04375DA8 00000000
04375DAC 00000000
04375DBC 00000000
04375DB0 00000000
04375DC0 00000000
04375DB4 00000000
04375DC4 00000000

Unlimited Fire Flower Bullets (P1-P4) [Jose_Gallardo]
04375850 00000000
04375840 00000000
04375844 00000000
04375854 00000000
04375848 00000000
04375858 00000000
0437584C 00000000
0437585C 00000000

P1 Character Mod [Jose_Gallardo]
04355160 0000000X

P2 Character Mod [Jose_Gallardo]
04355164 0000000X

P3 Character Mod [Jose_Gallardo]
04355168 0000000X

P4 Character Mod [Jose_Gallardo]
0435516C 0000000X
0 = Mario, 1 = Luigi, 2 = Blue Toad, 3 = Yellow Toad

Infinite All Items [Jose_Gallardo]
055DB294 00000063
055DBB74 00000063
044052D0 00000063
055DBB78 00000063
055DB29C 00000063
055DBB7C 00000063
055DB2A0 00000063
055DBB80 00000063
055DB2A4 00000063
055DBB84 00000063
055DB2A8 00000063
055DBB88 00000063
055DB2AC 00000063
055DBB8C 00000063

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