Enable Racing On Funky Stadium [Crashzer]
077F0CBC 00000008
19DB7C3C 001FC43F
*Select Delfino Square
*Enables you to race on Funky Stadium
*Video http://youtu.be/cD6sYvhc1lI
Race On "New" Course [Crashzer]
077F09C8 00000008
18316D9D 001F4743
*Select Toads Factory
*Enables you to race on the final course
*Video http://youtu.be/cD6sYvhc1lI
Disable map preview Animation [Crashzer]
077F6644 00000008
00000809 00000811
Erase All Ghost Data [Crashzer]
077F0E24 00000008
00000706 00000755
*Temporarily Erase All Ghost Data On Disk (Includes nintendo Ghostdata)
*Will NOT permanantly erase all data.
Hover Bike [Crashzer]
077F164C 00000008
1B4C4749 000274D4
077F1658 00000008
1B4CE47E 000258B2
077F1664 00000008
1B4D7AAB 000145C1
*Choose King Boo, in the Piranha Prowler
*Your bike will hover
*Video http://youtu.be/cD6sYvhc1lI
Bowser Jr Mystery Kart [Crashzer]
077F5AB0 00000008
1D3CD3F7 000442D1
*Video http://youtu.be/cD6sYvhc1lI
Draw Demo [Crashzer]
077F0908 00000008
1822186B 00244524
*Select Luigi Circuit
Mushroom Cup Preview Spoof [Crashzer]
077F6680 00000008
27DAC9C4 0133A650
*Will make the track previews on mushroom cup different
Moo Moo Meadows Live Music Modifier [Crashzer]
077F60D4 00000008
21405CA0 00187A80
077F60C8 00000008
21405CA0 00187A80
*Changes the music on Moo Moo Meadows to the "Live" view music (offline too)
Mushroom Gorge Music Modifier [Crashzer]
077F60EC 00000008
20772C18 003BBA60
077F60E0 00000008
20772C18 003BBA60
*Will play the "End game" music when you play on mushroom gorge
Sound Spoofer [Crashzer]
C2707B3C 00000005
3C000003 901F00D8
819F0000 7D8903A6
2800011B 28040000
387F0088 3800FFFF
60000000 00000000
70E9F8D0 00000000
*Spoofs up sounds + Lags game offline
Double Dash Racing [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C250C934 00000012
2C180000 40820038
3D808000 C2840000
C2A40004 C2C40008
C2E40090 C3040094
C3240098 D28C1600
D2AC1604 D2CC1608
D2EC160C D30C1610
D32C1614 2C180001
40820048 C28C1600
C2AC1604 C2CC1608
C2EC160C C30C1610
C32C1614 3D604410
916C1618 C34C1618
D2840000 D2A40004
D2C40008 D2E40090
D3040094 D3040098
C0040000 00000000
*Credits to mrx1983 for view position and mdmwii for player coordinates*
Perfect Wiimote/Nunchuck God´s Controller [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C21978C0 00000003
2C1B0000 40A2000C
901F0000 901F0538
60000000 00000000
C21978C8 00000003
2C1B0000 40A2000C
901F0004 901F053C
60000000 00000000
C2195450 00000003
2C1B0000 40A2000C
D0040000 D0040538
60000000 00000000
C2197014 00000004
2C1B0000 40820014
81830000 91830538
81830004 9183053C
C0030000 00000000
C2196EEC 00000002
2C1B0001 41820008
D0030000 00000000
C2196FC4 00000002
2C1B0001 41820008
D0030004 00000000
*Big thanks and credits to XeR for original code base*
Allow Offending Mii Names on WiFi [Bully@Wiiplaza]
040D1408 60000000
Mii Statistics Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2515248 00000004
2C1D000X 40820014
3980YYYY B1840012
3800ZZZZ B0040014
A0040010 00000000
*Credits: Deathwolf*
*X = Friend*
*Y = Losses*
*Z = Wins*
Picture -> http://jafile.com/uploads/wiiplaza/rmce01-022.png
Battle Texture Hacks [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C2052318 00000002
380000XX 901B0000
60000000 00000000
00 -> http://image-upload.de/image/put56o/3c8b0c8e83.png
01 -> http://image-upload.de/image/lwHGkr/84fcc63132.png
Offline Item Hack [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C278FF00 00000004
2C1D000Z 40820014
380000XX 3980000Y
9003008C 91830090
8003008C 00000000
*XX = Item*
*Y = Item Amount*
*Z Values*
0 = Player 1
1 = Player 2
2 = Player 3
3 = Player 4
4 = Player 5
5 = Player 6
6 = Player 7
7 = Player 8
8 = Player 9
9 = Player 10
A = Player 11
B = Player 12
WiFi Item Hack (P1+P2) [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C27E4DE8 00000003
380000XX 3960000Y
9003008C 91630090
8003008C 00000000
*XX = Item*
*Y = Item Amount*
Grand Prix Points Modifier [Bully@Wiiplaza]
48000000 809B8F68
DE000000 90009340
12000CF2 0000XXXX
E0000000 80008000
*X = HEX*
Picture -> http://jafile.com/uploads/wiiplaza/rmce01-024.png
Moonjump [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C25AA70C 00000006
3D808034 A18CYYYY
2C0CZZZZ 40820018
823E006C 3E000002
7E308A14 923E006C
48000008 D33E006C
60000000 00000000
*Upgraded mdmwii´s code to full ASM*
*YYYY = Controller Address*
*ZZZZ = Button Activator*
Dual Domination [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C250C934 0000000A
9421FFB0 BDC10008
2C180000 40820030
3DE08000 3E604400
926F1650 C2A40000
C2CF1650 EEB5B02A
82240004 82440008
D2AF1600 922F1604
924F1608 B9C10008
38210050 C0040000
60000000 00000000
C250C970 00000008
9421FFB0 BDC10008
2C180001 40820020
3DE08000 820F1600
822F1604 824F1608
92040000 92240004
92440008 B9C10008
38210050 C0640000
60000000 00000000
C25AA6FC 00000008
9421FFB0 BDC10008
3DE080EA 7C0FF000
41800020 C29E00F4
3DC08000 D28E16A0
D2AE16A4 D2CE16A8
B9C10008 38210050
EC7A01F2 00000000
C25AA6F8 00000008
9421FFB0 BDC10008
3DE080EA 7C0FF000
41810020 3DC08000
C28E16A0 C2AE16A4
C2CE16A8 D29E00F4
B9C10008 38210050
EEE2282A 00000000
*Player two automatically follows/teleports to player one*
*Credits to mdmwii & mrx1983 for player coordinates & player view*
Crazy Bullet Bill v2 [toonlink444]
28341462 B3FF4C00
0458E010 7C800038
CC000000 00000000
0458E010 38000000
E0000000 80008000
Same as v1 but this time you hit A+B+C to activate and also deactivate
Crazy Bullet Bill [toonlink444]
28341462 F3FF0C00
0458E010 38000000
E0000000 80008000
28341462 BFFF4000
0458E010 7C800038
E0000000 80008000
When you have a Bullet Bill press A & B then activate the item.
You will then be able to drive as the bullet bill. The effects of the item will be gone
Press C to deactivate it and use a different bullet bill item.
Press A & B during a bullet bill and start going floating into the air.
Press C to deactivate it.
Use Volderbeek's always have item code with this to always have a bullet bill.
Invincible [toonlink444]
28341462 FFFB0004
48000000 809BD118
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000008
DE000000 80008180
4A100000 0000008C
30000000 00000014
14000000 00000009
14000004 00000001
E0000000 80008000
28341462 FFFE0001
04572EC4 3803FFFF
E0000000 80008000
28341462 FFFD0002
04572EC4 7C601B78
E0000000 80008000
Hit down on the d-pad for a star, right to never lose the star power, left to end it.
Thanks to Volderbeek for his always have item code.
Instant Squash Recovery [Nutmeg]
04572FC8 38000000
*Goes into effect after you are hit by a thwomp or Mega Mushroom.*
No Squash Recovery [Nutmeg]
04572FC8 7C601B78
*Goes into effect after you are hit by a thwomp or Mega Mushroom.*
P1 Always Have Balloon Points [Nutmeg]
48000000 809B8F70
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000148
DE000000 80008180
1200007A 0000XXXX
E0000000 80008000
All Players Always Have Balloon Points [Nutmeg]
48000000 809B8F70
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000148
DE000000 80008180
6000000B 00000000
1200007A 0000XXXX
E2000001 00000000
4A100000 000000C4
62000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
XXXX = Balloon Points
Thwomps Don't Thwomp [Anarion]
04753A40 900300C8
Some Moving Objects Don't Move [Anarion]
046DBE5C 60000000
Thwomps that move from side to side, crabs, goombas, etc.
Moonview Highway- Flying Cars [Anarion]
046C887C 60000000
046C9CF0 60000000
Crash into them with star to send them airborne. This code can be button activated to bring the cars back down if you want.
To deactivate, include these lines: [Anarion]
046C887C 981A0221
046C9CF0 901E01C0
with a button activator.
Moonview Highway- No Traffic [Anarion]
046C8260 60000000
This code can be button activated so that you can remove all cars or bring them back if you want.
To deactivate, include this line 046C8260 881F01BD with a button activator.
Toad's Factory- No Crushing Machines [Anarion]
047636A0 900300C8
Those machines above the conveyor belts won't work.
No Item Indicator [Anarion]
047E4BCC 60000000
This will remove the item indicator. You won't know what item you have until you use it. You can deactivate this code if you want. Include this line
047E4BCC 90010014 with a button activator.
No Sounds/Mute [Anarion]
28341462 00000508
042434DC 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28341462 00000504
042434DC A01E006A
E0000000 80008000
No voices, sound effects, etc.
1st Wiimote: Activate= 2&B&LEFT || Deactivate= 2&B&RIGHT
Slow-er Motion [Anarion]
28341462 00000508
042434DC 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28341462 00000504
042434DC 83E1000C
E0000000 80008000
Everything will move about 1/2 slower.
1st Wiimote: Activate= 2&B&LEFT || Deactivate= 2&B&RIGHT
Simulate Freeze- Music (Region Free) [Anarion]
28341462 00000508
04005F74 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28341462 00000504
04005F74 9C06FFFF
E0000000 80008000
Will make music play as if you froze.
1st Wiimote: Activate= 2&B&LEFT || Deactivate= 2&B&RIGHT
It is region free without the button activator lines.
Simulate Freeze (Region Free) [Anarion]
28341462 00000508
04005F50 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28341462 00000504
04005F50 9C060001
E0000000 80008000
1st Wiimote: Activate= 2&B&LEFT || Deactivate= 2&B&RIGHT
It is region free without the button activator lines.
Upside Down Tracks [Anarion]
28341462 00000508
04510408 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28341462 00000504
04510408 C0450004
E0000000 80008000
1st Wiimote: Activate= 2&B&LEFT || Deactivate= 2&B&RIGHT
Maximum Speed Modifier [Volderbeek]
C25743C8 00000003
D01D0020 3C00XXXX
901D0014 901D002C
38000000 00000000
Some Common Values
10 km/h = 4120
25 km/h = 41C8
50 km/h = 4248
75 km/h = 4296
100 km/h = 42C8
150 km/h = 4316
200 km/h = 4348
250 km/h = 437A
300 km/h = 4396
**use floating point to customize further**
No Blooper Effect [Volderbeek]
0457B244 41A2005C
VR/BR Modifier [Volderbeek]
48000000 809B8F88
DE000000 90009380
5A010000 000XXXXX
3A00000Y 0000ZZZZ
1200000Y 0000ZZZZ
E0000000 80008000
X Values
09050 = Top Left License
12440 = Top Right License
1B830 = Bottom Left License
24C20 = Bottom Right License
Y Values
0 = VR
8 = BR
**use one or the other**
Z Values
0000 (0) - 270F (9999)
2710 - FFFE (higher than you can normally get)
FFFF (Guest)
Instant Slipstream [Volderbeek]
04580AB4 38630032
Always Have Item [Volderbeek]
48000000 809BD118
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000008
DE000000 80008180
4A100000 0000XXXX
30000000 00000014
14000000 000000YY
14000004 0000000Z
E0000000 80008000
X Values
008C = Player 1
02D4 = Player 2/CPU 1
051C = Player 3/CPU 2
0764 = Player 4/CPU 3
09AC = CPU 4
0BF4 = CPU 5
0E3C = CPU 6
1084 = CPU 7
12CC = CPU 8
1514 = CPU 9
175C = CPU 10
19A4 = CPU 11
Y Values
00 = Green Shell
01 = Red Shell
02 = Banana
03 = Fake Item Box
04 = Mushroom
05 = Triple Mushroom
06 = Bob-omb
07 = Blue Shell
08 = Lightning
09 = Star
0A = Golden Mushroom
0B = Mega Mushroom
0C = Blooper
0D = POW Block
0E = Cloud
0F = Bullet Bill
10 = Triple Green Shell
11 = Triple Red Shell
12 = Triple Banana
14 = Nothing
Z Values
0 = Nothing
1 = All Single Items
3 = All Triple Items
**only use 3 with Triple items**
Always Have Item [Volderbeek]
48000000 809BD118
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000008
DE000000 80008180
6000000B 00000000
3000008C 00000014
1400008C 000000YY
14000090 0000000Z
E2000001 00000000
4A100000 00000248
62000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Online-All Player/CPU Version
**mostly for all players/use dexter0's version for online**
Unlock Everything [Volderbeek]
48000000 809B8F88
DE000000 90009380
5A010000 000XXXXX
32000000 FFFFFFFF
14000000 FFFFFFFF
32000004 031FFFFC
14000004 031FFFFC
E0000000 80008000
X Values
09034 = Top Left License
12424 = Top Right License
1B814 = Bottom Left License
24C04 = Bottom Right License
Load Draw Demo [Volderbeek]
0688BFC0 00000010
64726177 5F64656D
6F000000 00000000
**with this code, Mushroom Gorge is replaced by Draw Demo**
Green Shell Tail Color Modifier NTSC-US [NinARM1]
00898E7C 000000XX
Red Shell Tail Color Modifier NTSC-US [NinARM1]
00898E8A 000000XX
Blue Shell Tail Color Modifier NTSC-US [NinARM1]
00898E98 000000XX
XX Values
Green = 47
Red = 52
Blue = 42
100% Wii Wheel Percentage [NinARM1]
48000000 809B8F88
DE000000 90009380
5A010000 000XXXXX
10000288 00000064
E0000000 80008000
Have a golden wheel even if you don't use the wheel at all
X values are the same as the unlock code
Fake Item Box Color Modifier [NinARM1]
048A0D00 4BC00000
048A14A0 40000000
Fake box will have the same color as real boxes
Kill-o-Meter [XeR]
C258B0B4 00000002
90040008 3DE08000
B00F16F8 00000000
C258B0D8 00000002
9004000C 3DE08000
B00F16FA 00000000
04531158 3CA08000
04531164 A00516F8
0453116C A00516FA
04531174 38000000
Minutes are hits given and seconds are hits received
Show fake items [XeR]
047E4DEA 380000XX
047E4DFA 3BE0000Y
Show an item in the item box which isn't the one you can use.
God's Controller [XeR]
C21B323C 00000003
2C080000 40A2000C
90C40000 90C40008
60000000 00000000
Allows you to control 2 players with only one GC controller
You need to plug the controller
Infinite laps [XeR]
C252FEB8 00000003
A3E30024 2C1F0002
40810008 38A00003
B0A30024 00000000
No Checkpoints (Instant Lap) [Hamster35000vr]
C252FEB8 00000002
38A50001 B0A30024
B0A30023 00000000
All you need to do for a lap is cross the finish line.
Faster Reverse Speeds [Hamster35000vr]
0488D550 442F0000
Go in reverse the same speed you would going forward! Change 442F0000 to whatever float you want.
Kill Lakitu [Hamster35000vr]
0471C640 38000000
Stops Lakitu from showing up. It still plays the sound, though.
Battle Invinciblilty [Hamster35000vr]
C257B018 00000002
60000100 90030008
60000000 00000000
Once you get hit, you're invincible!
Stop All Opponents (Offline Only) [Hamster35000vr]
C2575BD4 00000008
3DC08039 39CE4D18
81CE0000 39CE04D0
39CEFF48 39CE001B
7C037000 40800010
3DC03F80 91C300B8
4800000C 39C00000
91C300B8 39C00000
60000000 00000000
No one can move except you! :D
Green Shells Keep Bouncing [Hamster35000vr]
047A73F8 60000000
No Terrain Effect [Hamster35000vr]
04575BD4 60000000
04575C50 60000000
04575CAC 60000000
Now, if you drive on grass, mud, etc, you will keep the same speed.
Toyota Moving Forward [Hamster35000vr]
48000000 809BE398
DE000000 80008180
4A100000 00000E5B
DE000000 80008180
92010001 00000000
86300001 FFFFFFFE
94010001 00000000
92010001 00000008
86300001 FFFFFFFE
94010001 00000008
E0000000 80008000
C27E1AE0 00000003
39CE7FFF 80030008
7C007038 00000000
0488D180 00000000
04563AEC C05F0080
When you hit a banana, FIB, etc, you'll just keep going!
Always Get XX Item From Box [Hamster35000vr]
C27ADEE8 00000003
3A0000XX 92030004
38000000 3A000000
60000000 00000000
Affects all CPUs too! X Values are the same for Always Have Item. Note: Write Char Offset Required!
Gravity Modifier [Hamster35000vr]
X VALUES: The floating-point value of the new gravity. Default is 1 (3F800000).
ghosts have no player tags [wiiztec]
48000000 8037FFA4
DE000000 80008180
140081BC 00000001
E0000000 80008000
useful if you do time trials and you get distracted by the tags
Bike handling modifier [mdmwii]
0488d530 3df00000
Extended bob-omb timer [mdmwii]
0279CBEA 00000FFF
0279BABE 00000FFF
Drop Items(wiimote and dpad) [mdmwii]
283457E2 bffe4001
80000009 00000001
049C36C0 000000XX
48000000 809C1900
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000008
DE000000 80008180
48100000 80001500
DE000000 80008180
94210009 0000008C
14000090 00000001
E0000000 80008000
XX = item to drop
01 = Red Shell(Item replaced)
02 = Banana
03 = Mushroom
04 = Star
05 = Blue Shell
06 = Lightning
07 = Fake Box
08 = Mega Mushroom
09 = Bombs
0A = Blooper
0B = Pow Block
0C = Golden Mushroom
0D = Bullet Bill
0E = ThunderCloud
Ultimate License Unlocker [mdmwii]
48000000 809B8F88
DE000000 90009380
5A010000 000000AC
60000003 00000001
6000001F 00000000
14000000 00000100
18000004 00000000
20180004 00000000
5A010000 00000070
62000000 00000000
5A010000 00008188
14000000 FFFFFFFF
14000004 031FFFFC
5A010000 00000468
62000000 00000001
E0000000 80008000
This code will unlock all characters, vehicles, tracks and it will put 3 stars on every tracks giving you 3 stars as overall rating on ALL licenses.
Key remapper for GC controller [mdmwii]
C21afb58 00000005
39C0XXXX 7DCF0038
7C0F7000 40A20010
7C0F0050 39E0YYYY
7C007A14 B0040000
60000000 00000000
XXXX = key you want to change
YYYY = key assigned
0081 = D-Pad Left
0082 = D-Pad Right
0084 = D-Pad Down
0088 = D-Pad Up
0090 = Z
00A0 = R
00C0 = L
0180 = A
0280 = B
0480 = X
0880 = Y
1080 = Start
Instant POW [mdmwii]
047D9824 38000037
No Clipping [mdmwii]
0488D250 3F000000
RapidFire Wiimote [mdmwii]
C21978C2 00000007
3960XXXX 7D6C0038
7C0B6000 40A2001C
817FFED0 2C0B000F
40800010 396B0001
7C0C0050 48000008
39600000 917FFED0
901F0000 00000000
xxxx = button activator
Bomb EFFECT diameter [mdmwii]
(recommended: 42960000)
original value: 41E80000
Bomb explosion diameter [mdmwii]
(recommended: 40000000)
Video example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTXNwkni5wU
Jumping Bombs [mdmwii]
048A0B7C 3F800000
FreeFly Wiimote- ASM (Ported by Nin*Arm1) [mdmwii]
C25AA700 0000000E
3E408034 A2521462
7E600026 3A800001
7E56A038 7C16A000
40A20018 C03E0068
C0BE01C8 EC212828
D03E0068 4800002C
3A800002 7E56A038
7C16A000 40A20018
C03E0068 C0BE01C8
EC21282A D03E0068
48000008 D03E0068
7E6FF120 3A400000
3A600000 3A800000
3AC00000 00000000
C25AA718 0000000E
3E408034 A2521462
7E600026 3A800008
7E56A038 7C16A000
40A20018 C2FE0070
C0BE01C8 EEF72828
D2FE0070 4800002C
3A800004 7E56A038
7C16A000 40A20018
C2FE0070 C0BE01C8
EEF7282A D2FE0070
48000008 D2FE0070
7E6FF120 3A400000
3A600000 3A800000
3AC00000 00000000
C25AA70C 00000009
3E408034 A2521462
7E600026 3A800400
7E52A038 7C12A000
40A20018 823E006C
3E000002 7E308A14
923E006C 48000008
D33E006C 7E6FF120
3A400000 3A600000
3A800000 00000000
FreeFly GC Controller - ASM (Ported by Nin*Arm1) [mdmwii]
C25AA700 0000000E
3E408034 A2523E80
7E600026 3A800081 XX = 14; Y = 0
Triple Bananas -> XX = 12; Y = 3
Triple Reds -> XX = 11; Y = 3
Triple Greens -> XX = 10; Y = 3
Bullet Bill -> XX = 0F; Y = 1
Bad Lightning -> XX = 0E; Y = 1
POW Block -> XX = 0D; Y = 1
Blooper -> XX = 0C; Y = 1
Mega Mushroom -> XX = 0B; Y = 1
Golden Shroom -> XX = 0A; Y = 1
Star Power -> XX = 09; Y = 1
Lightning -> XX = 08; Y = 1
Blue Shell -> XX = 07; Y = 1
Bob-omb -> XX = 06; Y = 1
Triple Shrooms -> XX = 05; Y = 3
Mushroom -> XX = 04; Y = 1
Fake Box -> XX = 03; Y = 1
Banana -> XX = 02; Y = 1
Red shell -> XX = 01; Y = 1
Green Shell -> XX = 00; Y = 1
Offline Character/ Vehicle Changer [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
939A2354 939A2368
D200039C 00000003
398000KK 91830008
398000VV 9183000C
80C30008 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*This applies to every CPU on Versus*
*Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9lopjDgZcI
*Values are the same as below, don´t pick non-battle vehicles on battles*
WiFi Battle Character/ Vehicle Changer [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
7D00E214 80880220
D2000058 00000003
398000KK 396000VV
91880220 91680224
80880220 00000000
E0000000 80000800
*Values are the same as below, don´t pick non-battle vehicles*
WiFi Versus Character/ Vehicle Changer [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
7C760214 83050220
D2000004 00000003
398000KK 396000VV
91850220 91650224
83050220 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to mdmwii for original code and values*
*VV Vehicle Values*
00 = Standard Kart S
01 = Standard Kart M
02 = Standard Kart L
03 = Booster Seat
04 = Classic Dragster
05 = Offroader
06 = Mini Beast
07 = Wild Wing
08 = Flame Flyer
09 = Cheep Charger
0A = Super Blooper
0B = Piranha Prowler
0C = Tiny Titan
0D = Daytripper
0E = Jetsetter
0F = Blue Falcon
10 = Sprinter
11 = Honeycoupe
12 = Standard Bike S
13 = Standard Bike M
14 = Standard Bike L
15 = Bullet Bike
16 = Mach Bike
17 = Flame Runner
18 = Bit Bike
19 = Sugarscoot
1A = Wario Bike
1B = Quacker
1C = Zip Zip
1D = Shooting Star
1E = Magikruiser
1F = Sneakster
20 = Spear
21 = Jet Bubble
22 = Dolphin Dasher
23 = Phantom
*KK Character Values*
00 = Mario
01 = Baby Peach
02 = Waluigi
03 = Bowser
04 = Baby Daisy
05 = Dry Bones
06 = Baby Mario
07 = Luigi
08 = Toad
09 = Donkey Kong
0A = Yoshi
0B = Wario
0C = Baby Luigi
0D = Toadette
0E = Koopa
0F = Daisy
10 = Peach
11 = Birdo
12 = Diddy Kong
13 = King Boo
14 = Bowser Jr.
15 = Dry Bowser
16 = Funky Kong
17 = Rosalina
18 = S Mii AM
19 = S Mii AF
1A = S Mii BM
1B = S Mii BF
1C = S Mii CM
1D = S Mii CF
1E = M Mii AM
1F = M Mii AF
20 = M Mii BM
21 = M Mii BF
22 = M Mii CM
23 = M Mii CF
24 = L Mii AM
25 = L Mii AF
26 = L Mii BM
27 = L Mii BF
28 = L Mii CM
29 = L Mii CF
2A = M Mii
2B = S Mii
2C = L Mii
Random Texture Generator [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
2C1B0000 80990010
D2000024 00000002
380000XX 901B0000
60000000 00000000
*XX Value Preview*
00 - http://image-upload.de/image/put56o/3c8b0c8e83.png
01 - http://image-upload.de/image/lwHGkr/84fcc63132.png
*Other values probably won´t work*
Allow Every Track Vote on WiFi [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
801B169C 7C7C1B78
14000020 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to MrBean35000VR for original code*
*This can be used to e.g. play "Galaxy Arena" on WiFi or even Battle Courses as Versus Track*
*Further information here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwuepcZ3rQI
Multi Teleporter [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
A87B0048 3803003C
D20000A0 00000016
9421FFB0 BDC10008
3DC08000 A1CE1552
2C0E2004 40820020
3DE08000 82030004
920F1500 82230008
922F1504 8243000C
924F1508 2C0E2002
40820020 3DE08000
82030004 920F150C
82230008 922F1510
8243000C 924F1514
2C0E2008 40820020
3DE08000 826F1500
92630004 828F1504
92830008 82AF1508
92A3000C 2C0E2001
40820020 3DE08000
826F150C 92630004
828F1510 92830008
82AF1514 92A3000C
B9C10008 38210050
C0230004 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Requires the "Master Button Activator Wiimote" code*
*Press Z + D-PAD DOWN to save coordinates to slot 1*
*Press Z + D-PAD RIGHT to save coordinates to slot 2*
*Press Z + D-PAD UP to teleport to slot 1´s coordinates*
*Press Z + D-PAD LEFT to teleport to slot 2´s coordinates*
Battle Only Codes
Battle Invincibility [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
3804FFFF B00301A8
14000020 60000100
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to Hamster35000VR for original code*
*Fall down or get hit once to be invincible*
*This also benefits CPU players*
Battle Points Manipulation [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
7C64182E A3E30022
D2000004 00000007
A3E30022 3D808000
A18C1552 2C0C0010
40820008 3BFF0001
2C0C1000 40820008
41800008 3BE00000
B3E30022 00000000
F6000001 80008100
7C84002E 88061F12
D2000008 00000002
2C090001 41820008
B0040022 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Requires the "Master Button Activator Wiimote" code*
*Credits to mdmwii for original code*
*works on coin runners & balloon battle*
*If you want to use this online, change 41820008 to 60000000*
*Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ5Y2dG_uP4
*Press plus to increase score*
*Press minus to decrease score*
No Balloon Loss [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
987C0009 7C7D0214
1400000C 60000000
14000018 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to Deathwolf for original code*
No Minus Points [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
A86301CC 7C030215
1400035C 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*If you ran out of balloons you won´t get -1 points*
Crazy Coin Runners [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80208100
7C7F0214 98831F12
14000004 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*Complete mess of coins and score*
Allow Offending Mii Name on WiFi [Bully@Wiiplaza]
040D13C8 60000000
040CDF58 60000000
Instant Squash Recovery [Nutmeg]
045791AC 38000000
*Goes into effect after you are hit by a thwomp or Mega Mushroom.*
No Squash Recovery [Nutmeg]
045791AC 7C601B78
*Goes into effect after you are hit by a thwomp or Mega Mushroom.*
P1 Always Have Balloon Points -Ported by Revmage- [Nutmeg]
48000000 809BC790
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000148
DE000000 80008180
1200007A 0000XXXX
E0000000 80008000
All Players Always Have Balloon Points -Ported by Revmage- [Nutmeg]
48000000 809BC790
DE000000 80008180
58010000 00000148
DE000000 80008180
6000000B 00000000
1200007A 0000XXXX
E2000001 00000000
4A100000 000000C4
62000000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
XXXX = Balloon Points
Thwomps Don't Thwomp [Anarion]
0475FFF8 900300C8
Some Moving Objects Don't Move [Anarion]
046EF71C 60000000
Thwomps that move from side to side, crabs, goombas, etc.
Moonview Highway- Flying Cars [Anarion]
046D6C54 60000000
046D819C 60000000
Crash into them with star to send them airborne. This code can be button activated to bring the cars back down if you want. To deactivate, include these lines: [Anarion]
046D6C54 981A0221
046D819C 901E01C0
with a button activator.
Moonview Highway- No Traffic [Anarion]
046D670C 60000000
This code can be button activated so that you can remove all cars or bring them back if you want.
To deactivate, include this line: 046D670C 881F01BD with a button activator.
Toad's Factory- No Crushing Machines [Anarion]
04776FA0 900300C8
Those machines above the conveyor belts won't work.
No Sounds/Mute [Anarion]
28345162 00000508
04127350 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28345162 00000504
04127350 A01E006A
E0000000 80008000
No voices, sound effects, etc.
1st Wiimote: Activate= 2&B&LEFT || Deactivate= 2&B&RIGHT
Slow-er Motion [Anarion]
28345162 00000508
042442B8 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28345162 00000504
042442B8 83E1000C
E0000000 80008000
Everything will move about 1/2 slower.
1st Wiimote: Activate= 2&B&LEFT || Deactivate= 2&B&RIGHT
Simulate Freeze- Music (Region Free) [Anarion]
28345162 00000508
04005F74 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28345162 00000504
04005F74 9C06FFFF
E0000000 80008000
Will make music play as if you froze.
1st Wiimote: Activate= 2&B&LEFT || Deactivate= 2&B&RIGHT
It is region free without the button activator lines.
Simulate Freeze (Region Free) [Anarion]
28345162 00000508
04005F50 60000000
E0000000 80008000
28345162 00000504
04005F50 9C060001
E0000000 80008000
1st Wiimote: Activate= 2&B&LEFT || Deactivate= 2&B&RIGHT
It is region free without the button activator lines.
Kill-o-Meter [XeR]
C2591258 00000002
90040008 3DE08000
B00F16F8 00000000
C259127C 00000002
9004000C 3DE08000
B00F16FA 00000000
04535620 3CA08000
0453562C A00516F8
04535634 A00516FA
0453563C 38000000
Minutes are hits given and seconds are hits received
Show fake items [XeR]
047EE764 380000XX
047EE774 3BE0000Y
Show an item in the item box which isn't the one you can use.
God's Controller [XeR]
C21B31FC 00000003
2C080000 40A2000C
90C40000 90C40008
60000000 00000000
Allows you to control 2 players with only one GC controller
You need to plug the controller
Infinite laps [XeR]
C2534380 00000003
A3E30024 2C1F0002
40810008 38A00003
B0A30024 00000000
Key remapper for GC controller [mdmwii]
C21afb18 00000005
39C0XXXX 7DCF0038
7C0F7000 40A20010
7C0F0050 39E0YYYY
7C007A14 B0040000
60000000 00000000
XXXX = key you want to change
YYYY = key assigned
0081 = D-Pad Left
0082 = D-Pad Right
0084 = D-Pad Down
0088 = D-Pad Up
0090 = Z
00A0 = R
00C0 = L
0180 = A
0280 = B
0480 = X
0880 = Y
1080 = Start
No Clipping [mdmwii]
04890D70 3F000000
No CountDown [mdmwii]
04532E30 38000002
04532E90 2C000003
Ultimate License Unlocker [mdmwii]
48000000 809BC7A8
DE000000 90009380
5A010000 000000AC
60000003 00000001
6000001F 00000000
14000000 00000100
18000004 00000000
20180004 00000000
5A010000 00000070
62000000 00000000
5A010000 00008188
14000000 FFFFFFFF
14000004 031FFFFC
5A010000 00000468
62000000 00000001
E0000000 80008000
This code will unlock all characters, vehicles, tracks and it will put 3 stars on every tracks giving you 3 stars as overall rating on ALL licenses.
Stalking JP [mdmwii]
C27EE614 00000003
3DE08000 5460063E
1E600004 926F1534
60000000 00000000
0600153C 00000148
42000000 3DC0809C
81CE0958 81CE0020
3E408000 C232153C
82721534 7DCF7378
7DCE9A14 3E608034
40820024 82721530
2C130000 40820010
82721538 3A730004
92721538 3E608034
40820010 3A600001
92721530 4800000C
3E600000 92721530
82721538 82521534
7C139000 3E408000
4082000C 3A730004
92721538 A26FFFF6
82521538 7C129800
3E408000 4080000C
41820008 4800000C
3E600000 92721538
82721538 7DEF9A14
81EF0000 81CE0000
81CE0024 81EF0024
81CE0008 81EF0008
81CE0008 81EF0008
39CE0010 39EF0010
7C0EF000 40820054
C02F0068 C32F006C
C2EF0070 EF39882A
60000000 60000000
C22F00F4 D23E00F4
C22F00F8 D23E00F8
C22F00FC D23E00FC
D03E0068 D33E006C
D2FE0070 EC5C0232
EC3D01F2 ECA001B2
EC84182A 485B394C
D03E0068 485B392C
2834XXXX 0000YYYY
045B4FA8 4BA4C598
04890D70 3F000000
e0000000 00000000
2834XXXX 0000ZZZZ
045B4FA8 D03E0068
04890D70 43300000
E0000000 80008000
XXXX = Controller Address (I used 57E2 for Wiimote PAL)
YYYY = Button to Activate/Switch Player (I used button 1 on wiimote: 0200)
ZZZZ = Button to Deactivate hack (I used button 2 on wiimote: 0100)
NOTE: If you use PAL & Gamecube controller try this:
7DCE9A14 3E608035 XX = 14; Y = 0
Triple Bananas -> XX = 12; Y = 3
Triple Reds -> XX = 11; Y = 3
Triple Greens -> XX = 10; Y = 3
Bullet Bill -> XX = 0F; Y = 1
Bad Lightning -> XX = 0E; Y = 1
POW Block -> XX = 0D; Y = 1
Blooper -> XX = 0C; Y = 1
Mega Mushroom -> XX = 0B; Y = 1
Golden Shroom -> XX = 0A; Y = 1
Star Power -> XX = 09; Y = 1
Lightning -> XX = 08; Y = 1
Blue Shell -> XX = 07; Y = 1
Bob-omb -> XX = 06; Y = 1
Triple Shrooms -> XX = 05; Y = 3
Mushroom -> XX = 04; Y = 1
Fake Box -> XX = 03; Y = 1
Banana -> XX = 02; Y = 1
Red shell -> XX = 01; Y = 1
Green Shell -> XX = 00; Y = 1
Offline Character/ Vehicle Changer [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
939A2354 939A2368
D200039C 00000003
398000KK 91830008
398000VV 9183000C
80C30008 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*This applies to every CPU on Versus*
*Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9lopjDgZcI
*Values are the same as below, don´t pick non-battle vehicles on battles*
WiFi Battle Character/ Vehicle Changer [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
7D00E214 80880220
D2000058 00000003
398000KK 396000VV
91880220 91680224
80880220 00000000
E0000000 80000800
*Values are the same as below, don´t pick non-battle vehicles*
WiFi Versus Character/ Vehicle Changer [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
7C760214 83050220
D2000004 00000003
398000KK 396000VV
91850220 91650224
83050220 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to mdmwii for original code and values*
*VV Vehicle Values*
00 = Standard Kart S
01 = Standard Kart M
02 = Standard Kart L
03 = Booster Seat
04 = Classic Dragster
05 = Offroader
06 = Mini Beast
07 = Wild Wing
08 = Flame Flyer
09 = Cheep Charger
0A = Super Blooper
0B = Piranha Prowler
0C = Tiny Titan
0D = Daytripper
0E = Jetsetter
0F = Blue Falcon
10 = Sprinter
11 = Honeycoupe
12 = Standard Bike S
13 = Standard Bike M
14 = Standard Bike L
15 = Bullet Bike
16 = Mach Bike
17 = Flame Runner
18 = Bit Bike
19 = Sugarscoot
1A = Wario Bike
1B = Quacker
1C = Zip Zip
1D = Shooting Star
1E = Magikruiser
1F = Sneakster
20 = Spear
21 = Jet Bubble
22 = Dolphin Dasher
23 = Phantom
*KK Character Values*
00 = Mario
01 = Baby Peach
02 = Waluigi
03 = Bowser
04 = Baby Daisy
05 = Dry Bones
06 = Baby Mario
07 = Luigi
08 = Toad
09 = Donkey Kong
0A = Yoshi
0B = Wario
0C = Baby Luigi
0D = Toadette
0E = Koopa
0F = Daisy
10 = Peach
11 = Birdo
12 = Diddy Kong
13 = King Boo
14 = Bowser Jr.
15 = Dry Bowser
16 = Funky Kong
17 = Rosalina
18 = S Mii AM
19 = S Mii AF
1A = S Mii BM
1B = S Mii BF
1C = S Mii CM
1D = S Mii CF
1E = M Mii AM
1F = M Mii AF
20 = M Mii BM
21 = M Mii BF
22 = M Mii CM
23 = M Mii CF
24 = L Mii AM
25 = L Mii AF
26 = L Mii BM
27 = L Mii BF
28 = L Mii CM
29 = L Mii CF
2A = M Mii
2B = S Mii
2C = L Mii
Random Texture Generator [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
2C1B0000 80990010
D2000024 00000002
380000XX 901B0000
60000000 00000000
*XX Value Preview*
00 - http://image-upload.de/image/put56o/3c8b0c8e83.png
01 - http://image-upload.de/image/lwHGkr/84fcc63132.png
*Other values probably won´t work*
Allow Every Track Vote on WiFi [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
801B169C 7C7C1B78
14000020 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to MrBean35000VR for original code*
*This can be used to e.g. play "Galaxy Arena" on WiFi or even Battle Courses as Versus Track*
*Further information here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwuepcZ3rQI
Multi Teleporter [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
A87B0048 3803003C
D20000A0 00000016
9421FFB0 BDC10008
3DC08000 A1CE1552
2C0E2004 40820020
3DE08000 82030004
920F1500 82230008
922F1504 8243000C
924F1508 2C0E2002
40820020 3DE08000
82030004 920F150C
82230008 922F1510
8243000C 924F1514
2C0E2008 40820020
3DE08000 826F1500
92630004 828F1504
92830008 82AF1508
92A3000C 2C0E2001
40820020 3DE08000
826F150C 92630004
828F1510 92830008
82AF1514 92A3000C
B9C10008 38210050
C0230004 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Requires the "Master Button Activator Wiimote" code*
*Press Z + D-PAD DOWN to save coordinates to slot 1*
*Press Z + D-PAD RIGHT to save coordinates to slot 2*
*Press Z + D-PAD UP to teleport to slot 1´s coordinates*
*Press Z + D-PAD LEFT to teleport to slot 2´s coordinates*
Battle Only Codes
Battle Invincibility [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
3804FFFF B00301A8
14000020 60000100
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to Hamster35000VR for original code*
*Fall down or get hit once to be invincible*
*This also benefits CPU players*
Battle Points Manipulation [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
7C64182E A3E30022
D2000004 00000007
A3E30022 3D808000
A18C1552 2C0C0010
40820008 3BFF0001
2C0C1000 40820008
41800008 3BE00000
B3E30022 00000000
F6000001 80008100
7C84002E 88061F12
D2000008 00000002
2C090001 41820008
B0040022 00000000
E0000000 80008000
*Requires the "Master Button Activator Wiimote" code*
*Credits to mdmwii for original code*
*works on coin runners & balloon battle*
*If you want to use this online, change 41820008 to 60000000*
*Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ5Y2dG_uP4
*Press plus to increase score*
*Press minus to decrease score*
No Balloon Loss [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
987C0009 7C7D0214
1400000C 60000000
14000018 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*Credits to Deathwolf for original code*
No Minus Points [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80008100
A86301CC 7C030215
1400035C 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*If you ran out of balloons you won´t get -1 points*
Crazy Coin Runners [Bully@Wiiplaza]
F6000001 80208100
7C7F0214 98831F12
14000004 60000000
E0000000 80008000
*Complete mess of coins and score*
- Aug 31 Fri 2012 21:04
[Wii金手指]瑪利歐賽車(Mario Kart) 美日版