Gold Idol is an item available in Dragons Dogma. The Gold Idol can be obtained only if youve completed the quest Land of Opportunity and (possibly) Chasing Shadows. You will then be able to do the baby sitting quest Escort Duty in the Noble Quarter of Gran Soren. Abide the girls wishes, stay near here (but do not knock into her; she may trip on her own, do not worry), have a Flask of Water for her, and allow her to barely win the foot race, and she will grant you the Gold Idol.
You will only get the Gold Idol if you stay near her all the time, find her quickly in hide and seek, give her water quickly and let her win the race at the end of the quest, otherwise you get the Golden Egg or worse.
An in-depth walkthrough to acquire the Gold Idol is shown below:
Heres a tip:
1. Before doing this quest, sleep at the inn at Gran Soren (This makes it a "Checkpoint" in your playthrough) and buy a flask of water from the shop nearby.
2. If you fail to receive a gold idol from the girl, simply press "Start", go to "Save/Quit" and choose "Return to last checkpoint", this will allow you to do the quest multiple times until you get the Gold Idol.
-------------------------------------------------- ---渣英語自翻------------------------------------------- ---------------
“金像”是《龍之信條》裡的一個可使用物品。如果完成了“land of opportunity"(幫胖子商人趕窮人的那個任務)與“chasing shadows"(半夜跟踪高富帥的那個任務)兩個任務便能夠獲取“金像”。此時你將會在Gran Soren(首都)的Noble Quarter(皇宮大**的庭院)接到當保姆的任務“Escort Duty”。遵從小女孩的意願,保持跟在她身旁(但是千萬千萬不要撞到她,她會在出門時候自己摔一跤,這個不用管),然後帶上一瓶水(Flask of water,道具店有售),並且讓她以極小的優勢贏得賽跑(賽跑時玩家別落後太遠),那麼小女該便會將“金像”給你了。
1.接任務前,在首都的旅館睡一覺(即做一個checkpoint),並且事先在旅館旁邊的商店買好水(flask of water)
2.如果任務結束後你並沒有獲得“金像”,請果斷按下“start”,進入“save/quit”並選擇“return to last checkpoint”(第三個選項),這將能夠讓你無限重做這個任務直至拿到“金像”為止
- Jun 17 Sun 2012 09:59
龍族教義(Dragons Dogma) 金像100%入手方法