
NUMPAD0 - Enable/Disable Resource hack. This hack needs to be activated for enable the 3 resource hacks (NUM1-3). When disabled it will also disable all 3 resource hacks

NUMPAD1 - Unlimited Wood, gives you a non decreasing massive amount of wood. NOTE: Resource Hack must be enabled

NUMPAD2 - Unlimited Gold, gives you a non decreasing massive amount of gold. NOTE: Resource Hack must be enabled!!

NUMPAD3 - Unlimited Glory, gives you a non decreasing massive amount of glory. NOTE: Resource Hack must be enabled

NUMPAD4 - Infinite Hero Life, gives you full health that won't decrease! This works in RTS or in HERO mode.

NUMPAD5 - Infinite Hero Stamina, gives your hero a shitload of stamina
and it won't decrease. NOTE: The stamina get's refilled when you are in HERO mode. So first you will need to get enough stamina to get in hero mode, then you will see the effect

NUMPAD6 - Massive Hero Kills, comes in handy for some missions, instant massive hero kills.

NUMPAD7 - Zero Population, causes you to build huge armies and citizens above the max population count. Unlimited people

NUMPAD8 - 64 Recruit Points, this is a nice number we thought. Every unit or platoon (whatever you call it), will have 64 soldiers in it. Now you can quickly build an huge army.

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