
An Extraordinary Man

Complete the Encyclopedia of the Common Man.

In Sequence 6 you will receive the first of your Homestead Missions from Achilles. For this mission he asks you to investigate the activities of the Artisans who have settled in the Davenport Homestead so that it can be recorded into the Encyclopedia of the Common Man. Sounds easy right? It's a complete pain in the ass. To do this you need to hold down the while targeting one of your Artisans until it records them doing an activity. Problem is, not all of the activities they do can be recorded. For every Artisan that is settled you must record three different activities to complete their set. Try and do this whenever you come back to do new Homestead Missions throughout the game, otherwise you will be left with a huge grind at the end.

Use your Eagle Vision mode by pressing the to see if they are doing a recordable activity. If the Artisan has a Gold Aura, they can be scanned. Unfortunately it will be gold even if they are doing an activity that you have already scanned from them . Below is a list of all the Artisans and their scannable activites. Once the Encyclopedia is complete, the trophy will unlock.

Name Occupation Scannable Activity

Big Dave Blacksmith Forging Metal, Horseshoeing, Sharpening Tools, Splitting a Log with the Lumberers, Unloading his Cart, Adding a new Metal Ring

Lyle White Doctor Playing Bowls near the Inn, Talking to Myriam and Norris on the road by his house, Reading a Newspaper on the bench by his house, Taking measurements with Ellen, Picking Herbs

Warren and Prudence Farmers Baking bread, Beekeeping, Feeding the Chickens, Shoveling Hay, Making Butter, Milking Cows, Plowing a Field, Plucking a Chicken, Processing Flax

Myriam Huntress Cleaning her Musket, Trading Pelts, Roasting Hare, Sharpening Tools, Skinning a Deer, Setting a Snare Trap

Oliver and Corinne Innkeepers Butchering a Pig , Changing Bottles, Changing Kegs, Crushing Apples, Shoveling Hay, Hanging out behind the bar, Roasting Deer, Taking Measurements with Ellen, Stomping Grapes

Godfrey and Terry Lumberers Playing Bowls near the Inn, Inspecting and Loading Lumber, Reading Newspaper, Sawing, Sharpening Tools, Splitting a Log, Unloading their Cart

Norris Miner Filling his Lantern, Mining, Repairing a Beam in the Mine, Sharpening Tools, Sifting Rocks at the Stream

Ellen Tailor With a Client, Trading pelts, Sewing, Taking Measurements

Lance Woodworker With a Client, Inspecting the Fence of the Inn, Planing Wood, Repairing a Beam, Sawing, Sharpening Tools, Inspecting his Folding Chair

介紹不用多看了 直接翻譯正題

名稱 -- 職業 -- 可觀察活動

1 Big Dave -- 鐵匠-- 打造金屬, 給馬洗澡, 磨刀具, 和伐木工聊天, 馬車卸貨, 打造金屬戒指

2 Lyle White -- 醫生-- 在旅館附近玩球(小遊戲), 和獵人&礦工說話, 在**看報紙, 採藥草

3 Warren and Prudence -- 農民夫婦-- 考麵包, 養蜂, 餵雞, 割草, 做黃油, 擠牛奶, 耕田, 趕雞,

4 Myriam -- 獵人-- 擦獵槍, 交易動物皮毛, 烤野兔, 磨刀, 剝鹿皮, 設置陷阱

5 Oliver and Terry -- 旅館主人夫婦-- 殺豬, 換酒罐, 砸蘋果, 割草, 在酒吧櫃檯轉悠, 烤鹿, 砸葡萄

6 Godfrey and Terry - 伐木工-- 在旅館附近玩小遊戲,從馬車上卸貨, 看報紙, 鋸木頭, 磨刀, 砍一個樹幹

7 Norris -- 礦工-- 給油燈上油, 挖礦, 打磨工具, 炸礦

8 Ellen -- 裁縫-- 和客戶說話(試衣服), 買毛皮, 洗衣服, 做衣服, 和其他人喝下午茶

9 Lance -- 木匠-- 和客戶說話, 在旅館附近巡視柵欄, 鋸木頭, 打磨工具, 擺弄板凳

另外, 如果一個角色是可以觀察獲取log的, 那麼你開鷹眼他就顯示的是金黃色目標


-個人感覺礦工是最麻煩的, 我採取的策略是跟著他一天然後完成了。

-木匠喜歡來迴轉悠不容易找, 不過一大清早他肯定在自己的房子那鋸木頭


-旅館夫婦的活動我自己作的時候有些和攻略對不上, 不過在上午和下午多去逛逛就行了

-我不知道怎麼調整時間,不過你可以和別人對話得知(Good afternoon, good morning) , 一般如果是下午而且做完了我出去吸根煙回來就早上了

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